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the beauty of birth in the hospital setting in Las Vegas

Unexpected Joy

The Birth of Sloan Michael

I have had the pleasure of documenting this family from their first maternity session with their oldest right on through the birth of sweet little Sloan. Year after year, they returned to me and trusted me to document their maternity, newborn, birth, and family sessions.

It is an understatement to say I get a little emotional working on their images. In fact, their daughter’s birth was the first birth I documented as I made the brave and bold move in rebranding from posed newborn into specializing in birth photography here in Las Vegas.

las vegas birth story incorporating details

There have been so many surprises during this season of their life. They thought they were done having children, and this little one came along unexpectedly. When they surprised me with the news during their family session last fall, I just about died! Of course, documenting this birth was just as important, or maybe even more so, knowing it was their last. So, we began planning right away. Then surprise… COVID.

images of the radiant warmer in a labor room in Las Vegas, NV
applying fetal monitors during induction of labor in Las Vegas

There was so much anticipation leading up to their birth, and this strong mama worked right up to the days preceding their delivery. They wanted to revel, soak up, and enjoy every moment. This was the first time they waited to find out the gender until birth. It made it so much more fun!

standing while in labor to change positions
fetal monitoring while in labor
eating a clear liquid diet in labor
birth during covid in Las Vegas
use of oxytocin in labor
staying in contact with family members while laboring in the hospital
position changes while laboring in the hospital
breathing through contractions during a hospital birth

Nicole went into labor with the plan of listening to her body and deciding on an epidural, depending on how things went and how well she tolerated her contractions. She was so incredibly strong and maintained her composure throughout. I was completely in awe of her strength and determination.

physical support from husband during labor
beautiful birth images
mother breathing through contractions while laboring in the hospital
nurse adjusting external monitors on laboring mother in the hospital
support from husband and nurse in labor
husband hugging wife while in labor
patient supported by husband and nursing staff
nurse watching fetal monitoring while patient is laboring in her bed
the intensity of labor
a mother surrounded by love and support while laboring
standing and leaning on bed while laboring
beautiful birth images Las Vegas
preparations for delivery in the hospital
pushing with contractions while in the stirrups
first look at gender of their baby at a hospital birth
dad calling out the gender of his son at delivery in the hospital
the beauty of birth in the hospital setting in Las Vegas
dad cutting the cord after delivery in the hospital
parents meeting their baby for the first time after delivery
eye contact with baby after delivery
birth details in the hospital setting
staying connected with family while giving birth during COVID
newborn details as a birth photographer
newborn exam and measurements in the hospital setting
dad holding baby in the hospital after the newborn exam
dad holding his son near the radiant warmer after a hospital birth in Las Vegas
proud dad FaceTiming while in the hospital
dad holding his son after birth while mother rests
alert newborn less than two hours after birth
proud dad showing off his baby in the hospital

Nicole and Shawn are such amazing parents, and being away from the older two while they were in the hospital was hard. Thank goodness for FaceTime and family! It was important to them to capture as much as they could of siblings’ meetings for the first time, and since a Fresh 48 session was not an option because of restrictions, we did the next best thing and documented it as they came home!

big sister meeting her new brother for the first time at home

The meeting went even better than expected. Big sister was convinced she had a baby sister, so we expected some disappointment, and there was zero! They were both completely smitten by their new baby brother and wanted to check out every little detail.

introducing siblings to their new baby
brother and sister excited to meet their new baby brother at home
siblings holding their new baby brother for the first time.
fresh 48 session at home in Las Vegas
sister preparing to hold her new baby brother
sister holding her new baby brother for the first time at home.
sweet sibling moment after birth
sweet newborn at home 24 hours after delivery

And lastly, we were able to document their newborn session two weeks later in the comfort of their own home, where everyone felt at home and comfortable. Big brother and sister were still as smitten with their new baby brother, and it was so fun to see how they had all just fallen deeply and madly in love with this little guy.

whole family together on the parents bed during in home newborn session
in home newborn session in Las Vegas
sweet newborn session at home in Las Vegas
newborn close ups at home
dad and newborn on bed during in home newborn session
tender moment between dad and newborn son at home
mom dad and baby on bed at home during newborn session
newborn in mint wrap during in home newborn session
newborn session at home in Las Vegas
siblings during in home newborn session
sibling poses during newborn session

And finally, their beautiful birth story is told even more beautifully in film. Oh, what I would give to have my births captured forever in a complete birth story. I love that I can give this to the families that trust me with such an intimate and important time in their lives. Enjoy!


  1. […] multiple times in 2020 with their third and last child’s birth. I documented their maternity, birth, Fresh 48, and newborn sessions, of course, with COVID precautions. What a perfect way to wrap up […]

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