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mother holding her new baby after a beautiful home birth

The Birth of Emerson Rey

By Her Side

‘By Her Side’ were the first words that came to mind thinking back on their birth story. There was not a moment that Brianne was not surrounded with love and support as she brought her precious Emerson earthside. You’ll see it all through her birth images and birth story film (be sure to check it out at the end of this post). I am excited to finally share this beautiful and special birth story.

This birth story is extra special because Brianne is my sweet friend and fellow birth photographer and artist behind Brianne Hidalgo Photos + Films here in Las Vegas. We have been backups for each other for the past year and have changed, and have had so many wonderful conversations and meetings of the minds on how to best serve our community and support each other. She has such a smart business sense and is community-minded, not to mention incredibly talented. I was so happy to have found her. So, when she asked me to document her own birth, I was ecstatic!

Las Vegas birth photographer for home births
home birth with family by her side in Las Vegas

Brianne had delivered in the hospital with her daughter. She was excited about the opportunity to deliver at home with one of our local midwives Sherry Hopkins of Well Rounded Mama. Emily Espinosa a certified doula with Well Rounded Mama was her certified doula and was so in tune with Brianne and was so attentive and professional.

Emily Escinosa certified doula in Las Vegas
husband and daughter holding mother's hands during a contraction
view of doula care during water birth
daughter holding mother's hands during a contraction in birth tub

As it seems to happen most often, Brianne went into labor during nighttime. Right before she let me know that her water had broken and her contractions were irregular but becoming more and more consistent and would call when they became more regular and intense. Just a few hours later she called me to come on over! Since I live on the completely opposite side of town, I got ready and headed out immediately, arriving just after midnight.

controlled during home birth with intense contractions
support team at home birth of midwife, doula, and family
mother turning inward during a contraction during a home birth in Las Vegas
sweet daughter supporting her mother during a water birth at home.
mother connecting with her daughter while in labor at home
surrounding yourself with love and support while in labor at home
midwife checking fetal heart tones during home birth
husband supporting his wife during labor at home.

Once I arrived, Brianne’s contractions intensified pretty quickly, yet she remained so focused and determined. Her husband and daughter stayed by her side, providing physical support and words of encouragement. It was so cute when her daughter even directed her to breathe through her contractions.

daughter touching her moth's arms during a contraction
using breathing techniques during labor at home

Brianne was so close, and to assist in the rotation of her baby, her birth team assisted her out of the tub and to her bed and side-lying. The lights were dimmed for rest.

side lying in labor to help in rotation of your baby
birth team checking fetal heart tones during a Las Vegas home birth
intense contractions in the birth tub at home
laboring in the birth tub during a Las Vegas homebirth

The movement and position change was just what she needed and pretty quickly she had the urge to push. Things moved pretty quickly at this point and after just a few pushes, her sweet baby was in her arms.

mother holding her new baby after a beautiful home birth

At 0318 with her family by her side, Brianne delivered this sweet boy.

daughter and husband observing their new baby after delivery.
sherry hopkins checking a baby's heart rate after a Las Vegas homebirth.
proud dad and daughter seeing their new baby brother
beautiful Las Vegas homebirth
sister admiring her new baby brother in a birth tub
dad taking picture of new baby after delivery
dad holding new son for the first time after a home birth

One of the things I love most about home births is the postpartum period after delivery. I love seeing how comfortable moms are at home in their beds, with their family members by their sides, with no rushed bonding or timelines. It feels so relaxed and natural.

moments at home with baby immediately after delivery
daughter feeding mother while she breastfeeds after delivery
that first hour of skin to skin at home
those beautiful newborn details
comfortable at home after a home birth
mother admiring her new baby while breastfeeding
sherry hopkins performing a newborn exam
newborn exam after home birth in Las Vegas
newborn measurements including head, chest, and abdomen
measuring a newborns head circumfrence
dad holding the scale while weighting a baby during a home birth
sweet newborn details at home
baby holding his dads fingers after birth
family together after a home birth on the bed

And, finally, their birth story film. I love seeing birth stories through video; it adds such a beautiful element and shows emotion and moments that can’t be as fully captured in still images.

Thank you so much, Hidalgo family, for trusting me with your birth story!


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