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the little loo journal

daughter kissing her mother as she holds her new baby brother at home


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The Birth of Jaxson

This super fast homebirth is such a beautiful birth story and a great example of the wide range of important and beautiful moments there are to capture around birth, even when I’m not with your for a long period of time. 

I had been following this beautiful mama on Instagram for quite some time (you should follow her now; she is amazing). I was drawn to her outlook, love for her family, and sense of humor. I ended up reaching out to her when I had a gap in my birth schedule. I was so happy it worked out! 

Her biggest concern was whether I would make it in time. We live on the opposite sides of town, and there isn’t a quick route to get to her house. Her first baby was crazy fast, with the midwife just missing their birth. She described that birth as going from “maybe I’m in labor” to “the baby is coming” in a very short amount of time. So, we came up with the plan to communicate often, and I would come out on the earlier end and even hang out in their area if needed when things started moving along. 

One night, she texted to let me know she was having some labor signs but nothing consistent, and she wasn’t sure it was the real deal. I offered to come hang out in their area in my car (I’ve had lots of car naps and sleep breaks during births), but she didn’t want me to drive that far if it ended up dying down. The following day, I woke up surprised there was no texts or calls, but got ready just in case. Sure enough, I got the call at 7:30 am that things were moving fast and to come now. I jumped right in my car and headed out. Of course, traffic could have been better this time of day, but luckily, it was not too horrid. 

As I was pulling up to their community the midwife called to see how close I was. She was right behind me and not sure she would make it either. When I pulled up out front her dad was out there waiting for me, to let me know things were happening fast and she had the urge to push.

This is where having my cameras on and ready to go is vital. I’ve learned that lesson along the way, and always walk in ready to start shooting immediately, if needed. As I walked in dad was calmly delivering his son, and their doula right by her side offering such calm support. Their midwife’s operator was also on speaker with them ready to give any guidance they might need. Their birth space was incredibly calm and quiet. This mom is a serious rock star!!

The funny thing is she delivered even faster than last time and in the exact same position she had her first baby in.

Delivered by Dad

a mother giving birth in her Henderson home with husband and doula at side

The best part of this story is that this baby was delivered by his father.

doula holding baby after a fast home birth in Henderson, NV
black and white image of a mother breastfeeding her new baby as her husband looks on

What a cool birth story, right? This dad will always get to hold and cherish the moment of delivering his son. You could see the pride all over him!

a beautiful fast home birth in Henderson
midwife checking the soft palette of a newborn after delivery
midwife performing a newborn exam after a fast homebirth in Henderson
A midwife performing a newborn exam by examining baby's spine after delivery

They make the most beautiful babies. I mean look at that gorgeous head of hair and beautiful skin!

midwife preparing a cloth scale for weighing a newborn after delivery at home
father weighing his son after a home birth

Their midwife Sarah from Serenity walked in right after he was born. I just love Sarah, she has such a beautiful heart and is such a gift to our community.

a father changing his son's diaper for the first time at home

Their doula, Melissa was the same as their last baby as well, and their connection and the trust there was beautiful to see.

a father holding his new son on his chest skin-to-skin
introducing a big sister to her new baby brother after a homebirth in Henderson

The cutest little moments unfolded as they brought in big sister to meet her new baby brother. She was a little unsure at first, and was a bit confused to wake up to a house full of strangers. Sibling meetings are some of my favorite moments to capture.

big sister meeting her new baby brother for the first time after a home birth
daughter kissing her mother as she holds her new baby brother at home
helping a big sister navigate the introduction to her baby at home with mom holding baby and dad holding toddler
a beautiful black family together on the bed after a fast homebirth in Henderson
midwife checking mom's vital signs after a homebirth in Henderson
a mother holding her swaddled son after she delivered at home
a mother taking all of her newborn baby's details as she holds him in her arms.
a mother breastfeeding with the assistance of her midwife
checking oxygen saturation on a baby after a homebirth

This is a great example of how unique each birth story is! Feel free to peruse other birth stories I have shared!

A Super Fast Homebirth: Delivered by Dad

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

An image of a new mom holding her son while her midwife looks on


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The Birth of Cormac Seth

This is the second birth I’ve documented for this family, and both times, I was so inspired and blown away by the intentional space this mother created to welcome her children. As I tried to think of a title and ways to describe just how beautiful their birth was, I kept coming back to Beauty, Light, and Love. It is the perfect way to describe the physical space she had created, the dynamics of their family, and their love for each other.

Jessica is incredibly talented and spent weeks preparing her master bath for her son’s delivery, and as she shared bits and pieces of it through the process, I got more and more excited to see it in person. The biggest fear was that she would go incredibly fast like she had with her third baby, which brings the risk of me either running in at the end or missing it entirely (always a major fear for me and my clients). Her last baby came so fast I arrived just 20 minutes before she delivered!

Birth Full of Beauty

Although her birth space was gorgeous, as you can see, what made their whole birth story even more beautiful was that her girls happened to be on spring break and all home as she labored, and so besides being surrounded by this lovely space, she was surrounded by her children, her husband, fantastic midwife (that has now delivered all four of her children), and her friend and doula, Lori(also present for all her deliveries). Their birth film is full of all the beautiful details, so be sure to check it out.

black and white images of mother holding her daughter in her arms at home

Jessica’s labor is the perfect example of just how unpredictable birth can be. Although moms tend to follow the patterns of their previous pregnancies, there are always surprises and unknowns. After all the worry about it going so fast and making it in time, her son’s labor proved to be long and steady. In fact it stalled out a bit right after everyone arrived (not uncommon), so she laid down and took a little nap and reset with her youngest, then got up and moved around with the girls; dancing, cuddling, and just loving on each other. That worked on bringing more oxytocin into play, and soon things were moving along again.

mother holding her daughter as she labors at home in her bathroom
daughters interacting with their mom as she labors at home in a beautiful birth space
daughter fanning her mother as they dance at home while she is in early laobr
husband rubbing his wife's lower back as she leans over tub while in labor
daughters filling tub with flower petals as their mother labors at home
birth space decorated with white flowers and lights
black and white image of a woman laboring in a tub full of petals surrounded by white flowers and beautiful light.
husband and doula physically supporting mother as she labors in tub wiht flower petals

Full of Light

Not only was her birth space filled with beautiful twinkle lights and gorgeous candles, but she was also lucky enough to have a daytime birth, so light-filled all the spaces she was in.

midwife Dixie Story of Las Vegas supports a mother as she labors at home.
daughters holding their mother's hand as she labors in a tub at home
wife being supported by her husband and two daughters as she labors at home in her tub
tender moment as a daughter lays her head on her mother's arm

She had hoped her daughters would be interested and engaged when she delivered but kept the option always open to them to come in and out as they felt comfortable and only when ready. They came in at different stages, sometimes individually, sometimes together, but always sweet and tender.

image of husband and doulas hands holding a mother as she breaths through a contraction
a mother resting between contractions as she labors in a tub full of flower petals
mother breathing through intense contractions as her doula rubs her lower back in the tub

Finally, after some intense pressure and surges, she held her sweet boy in her arms.

mother holds her son in her arms right after delivering him at home surrounded by her family
mother holding her new baby in a blue blanket in the water as the father looks on
excited sister as they meet their new baby brother while their mom holds him
newborn in his mother's arms covered in vernix right after delivery
mother looking at her new son as she takes in his details

Full of Love

I am so impressed by so many things about Jessica and her beautiful family, but one thing that is so obvious from the time you meet her is how much her family means to her. Her love for all of them permeates everything. After three girls, welcoming her first son added an additional layer of excitement and joy for them all.

mother in bed looking at her new son just moments after delivery
black and white image of a mother holding her son right after delivery at her home in Las Vegas
dad cutting the cord after a home birth in Las Vegas
An image of a new mom holding her son while her midwife looks on
newborn making eye contact with his mom right after delivery
mother holding her son in her arms as she lays down in bed
mother holding her son tight as she lays down in her bed after a home birth in Las Vegas
mother breastfeeding her new baby as big sister tenderly touches head
sister tendering holding her new baby brother after a Las Vegas home birth

Big sisters are big enough to always remember just how special this day was, and how they were a part of it all.

Dixie Story a Las Vegas midwife performing a newborn exam
newborn measurements after a home birth
midwife weighing the baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
midwife checking baby's heart rate after a home birth
a mother kissing her son's head as she snuggles him in bed after delivery

Birth is so full of beauty and story, no matter how it unfolds. I love that this family was able to create their own beautiful birth space, and hopefully, it inspires you as much as it did me!

A Birth Full of Beauty, Light, and Love

Friday, March 1st, 2024

Henderson birth photographer


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As we close out 2023, it’s the perfect time to review the year!

One of my favorite ways to end the year in gratitude is to revisit all the sessions I’ve had the honor of documenting throughout the year, picking a favorite from each. Favorites change throughout the year, but in this exercise of revisiting images, I am almost always drawn to joy, love, connection, and sometimes the memory of what happened in the moments surrounding that image.

This is also the time of year I set or adjust my annual goals for business and personal growth, always with the desire for balance to ensure I can be fully present in both. My word of intention for 2024 is Present.

I believe it’s essential to evaluate each year as far as what has worked, areas I feel worked for my clients and schedule, and ways to improve and grow (because I believe we never stop growing!)

2023 was a big year for me, business-wise as well as personally. After coming out of a creative rut that lasted two years, I finally felt my creativity re-ignited. I believe it was more burnout than a creative rut, but either way, I felt somewhat zapped and often struggled to pick up my camera. In this reset, I found that when I make time for myself and feed my soul spiritually and creatively as well as my body physically, I come to you, my clients, refreshed and much more creative and passionate, hopefully providing you the best experience I can. I’ve built solo vacation times for myself for the last two years, and it has been an incredible way to reset. I will continue this into 2024 and am still working on how this year will look.

I’ll address things I will keep the same for 2024 and changes I will make in each of the services I provide in the appropriate sections below.


In 2023, I documented 13 births, each unique and special. Six of those births were repeat clients. This year, I documented two families that have now trusted me with three of their birth stories! What an honor!

This is my second year creating a compilation of the beauty of birth. Here is 2023:

Birth Stats

6 home births, 5 hospital births, and 2 birth center births. Two were transferred to the hospital from home and birth center, and one was delivered via cesarean.

room set with dim lights and calm scene for laboring in the water at Serenity Birth Center.

Achievements in birth for 2023 included being published in NAPCP‘s Inspired Magazine, being awarded first place in the birth category of Shoot and Share, and multiple placements in the birth category.

I also had a new website revamp, and I couldn’t be happier! Louise with The Autumn Rabbit has done it again (this is the second website she’s built for me). I wanted to emphasize my focus on birth photography and videography, as these are my specialties.

mother resting between. contractions in Las Vegas birth center.
Little Loo Photography
newborn exam after Las Vegas home birth

My 2024 goal is to continue to grow creatively and in filmmaking, focusing on continuing to develop my storytelling skills, applying to at least two competitions, and expanding mentoring other photographers in this incredible genre. I plan on adding at least five more birth clients in 2024.

If you plan to welcome a baby in 2024, please reach out! I tend to book out quickly and have openings in February, May, and August.

transition phase of labor
skin-to-skin contact with mother and baby right after birth
Dr Adashek assisting dad in catching his own baby
Las Vegas birth photographer
joy of mother finding out gender at birth
Las Vegas birth videographer
Henderson birth photographer
Little Loo Photography home birth
home birth options Las Vegas


I documented 12 maternity sessions.

Maternity sessions are tied with family sessions as my next favorite after births. It is a unique period filled with anticipation and the beauty of waiting to meet your new baby. Watching mothers open up and shine in front of the camera is the best.

In 2023, I added a few more beautiful dresses and gowns for client use.

In 2024, I will keep the number of maternity sessions pretty equal to this year; it was my happy place and ensured I had space on the calendar for birth clients. This year’s changes will be that my birth clients will get first dibs on maternity, fresh, and newborn spots on the calendar.

maternity session with beautiful skies and red dress
couples maternity session in Las Vegas for climbers
sunset couples maternity session valley of fire
2023 Little Loo Photography session favorites, maternity session
in-home maternity session with Danika Brysha
maternity session with warm hazy light and cream dress
maternity session with son hugging his mother's stomach
maternity session in the wetlands in Las Vegas with stormy skies
family maternity session downtown Las Vegas
creative maternity session with son and dog
Elegant maternity session Redrock canyon with plum dress

Fresh and Newborn

I photographed 5 Fresh sessions and 13 Newborn sessions.

I’ve transitioned into calling these sessions ‘Fresh’ sessions versus ‘Fresh 48’ because, as life goes, it isn’t always possible to get those Fresh sessions in those first couple of days whether it is a NICU transfer or families just needed an extra day or two to settle in. The purpose and goal of Fresh sessions is to capture all those sweet little newborn details and precious first days of getting to know each other. These days pass quickly, and those little details change so fast! They are more lifestyle in nature with minimal posing.

Fresh 48 Session at Henderson Hospital
First few days at home with your baby

For 2024, planning to focus on birth clients while managing the schedule well, I will keep the same number of fresh and newborn sessions, with birth clients having first choice on availability.

NICU session Southern Hills hospital
father holding his daughter during in-home newborn session
newborn session using Union Jack flag
lifestyle newborn session with white onsie in Las Vegas
military family during newborn session in Las Vegas
in-home newborn photographer Las Vegas
mother and her four children during in-home newborn session
newborn session using yellow wrap and yellow drop

I’ve added a studio option for newborn clients utilizing a shared studio space. This is great for families who don’t want to worry about their home’s appearance or the prep for an in-home session. Although it may seem like more work to have them in your home, these sessions are a great reminder of how this period of your life felt. Your home is where your memories will be made, and there is something so unique in that.

newborn in cream wrap holding small teddy bear
tender image of mother holding her newborn daughter closely
newborn session with air force uniform
casual newborn session in home with whole family
in-home twin newborn session Las Vegas
in-home newborn session with toddler sibling


I have had a dream and goal to teach and mentor, and in 2023, I finally saw that long-time goal come to fruition! I had the privilege of teaching my first course, Family Filmmaking, at Click Photo School. Their community was the first I found in my drive to become a better photographer and storyteller and where I have grown the most. Teaching a course in this beautiful community 13 years later has been the best!

In 2023, I documented 18 families, twice the number in 2022.

family sessions with sons

I loved that I could accommodate more families this year by spacing them out throughout the year. This year was definitely my favorite family season! I had so many returning clients and families who wanted to capture connections and personalities over posed images, and that right there is my language! My goal is always to remind you how this season of your life felt, and the best way to do that is to encourage connections and joy during sessions. Thank you to all the families who trusted me in these moments and with your precious families.

in-home session for three month old baby in Las Vegas

For 2024, I will take on fewer family clients to allow space on the calendar for increase in birth clients. I wish I could do it all, but with the weeks of ‘on-call’ time for clients and the unpredictable nature of birth, it just isn’t feasible.

Previous clients will have the first choice of available family session spots, and rather than having you choose months so far in advance, I will open the family calendar quarterly, with an email going out to regular clients first. Hopefully, this will help take the pressure off of you as well!

family session with young children in high desert
family session full of love and connection
2023 year in review little loo photography
Las Vegas family videographer
little loo photography families
Little Loo Photography 2023 favorites
Jean Story with her son
Adriana Carpenter and family
Krystal Leaver and her son
family session with four kids and sillyness
enjoying the season of life with small children
fall family photographs from 2023
family session with older children Las Vegas
family session in Calico Basin
fun family session Las Vegas, NV
family session with three year old girl

Thank you all for trusting me again and again with your most precious moments and most precious people! I am continually in awe that this is what I get to do. Here’s to an amazing year ahead!

2023 A Year in Review

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

room set with dim lights and calm scene for laboring in the water at Serenity Birth Center.


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A Powerful Belly to Home Birth Story

The birth of Adeline is a belly-to-home birth story that captures so much more than the birth of their sweet girl. It captures this family’s love for each other and this mom’s determination and strength.
Kaitlyn found me when searching for a birth photographer here in Las Vegas. Her goals were to capture everything about this stage of their lives, from the anticipation of awaiting their little girl to their birth at our local birth center, Serenity Birth Center, to bringing her home with an in-home newborn session. More and more families have chosen this birth package over the last few years. The Whole Story birth package includes maternity, birth, and newborn sessions. It captures so much more than just the day your baby arrives. After all, there is so much more to birth stories than the day you deliver!

Be sure also to check out their beautiful birth film at the end. It perfectly demonstrates the beauty and grace she brought their sweet baby into this world.

maternity session with spouse in Las Vegas desert
Little Loo Photography maternity session Las Vegas
sunset maternity session in the Las Vegas desert during the winter
a maternity session in the desert using sun flare with mother holding her belly.

Getting to know clients is vital in being prepared to capture the moments most important to you, so face-to-face meetings are always included in my birth packages. It is the perfect time to hear your wishes and hopes and get a feel for your personalities and family dynamics. It also helps to make the day of delivery more comfortable for everyone. Working alongside families during maternity sessions also helps as I get to see their dynamics in action, and it adds a layer of trust before delivery day. I left this maternity session even more excited to document their birth because their love for each other was tender and sweet. Their laid-back personalities and the way they interacted made it evident that their connection would be a highlight of their birth story.

maternity session in the Las Vegas desert with a long flowing floral gown.
pregnant mother standing in beautiful light in a long flowing gown in Las Vegas desert.

Kaitlyn had an estimated due date of December 29th, which added an exciting layer of anticipation of whether she would deliver in 2022 or 2023 or even on New Year’s Eve. She is a registered nurse who has not only worked as a travel nurse but now works for a travel nurse company. She worked hard both in a staff position on the floor and as a coordinator until the week before her due date and was ready to meet her baby girl. But, their sweet girl was nice and cozy on the inside and waited until 41 weeks and three days to make her grand appearance.

Kaitlyn labored for days before finally bringing their sweet girl earthside. Contractions began after an exam in the office with their midwife and were consistently off and on and uncomfortable, but not enough to be admitted into the birth center. Finally, two days later, they changed and became consistent and intense. She was admitted to the birth center, and I was called in the early morning hours to head their way.

Regina Roy providing labor support at Las Vegas birth center.

Their amazing doula Regina Roy, was with them, and I was so excited to finally meet her in person.

Kaitlyn was most comfortable in the water, and their birth space was quiet and serene, with Jason and Regina diligently by her side, very in tune with what she needed and when she needed it. She was tired after contracting as long as she had and rested as much as possible between contractions.

mother laboring in tub at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas with husband and doula at her side.
laboring in water at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
husband spraying water on his wife's back as she labors in the water.

After a few hours, her contractions became a bit irregular again, and so an exam was done. She had made minimal change, and so the decision was made for her to go back home and hopefully get some rest while her body continued to work. They were, of course, disappointed.

There was little rest at home, and Kaitlyn remained uncomfortable but determined. Finally, two days later, things changed, and the intensity and frequency finally increased, and they returned to the birth center, this time with significant cervical change.

room set with dim lights and calm scene for laboring in the water at Serenity Birth Center.

Kaitlyn’s demeanor had also changed. Her determination was awe-inspiring. She remained turned inward where she needed to be to stay focused, and Regina was consistently by her side. Their trust was evident, which helped Kaitlyn’s trust in her direction and suggestions for labor positions. Although exhausted, Jason remained by her side and calm and grounded throughout the process. I was impressed with how calm and supportive he stayed throughout, always trusting Kaitlyn’s body and the process. This is a perfect case of how important it is that your birth team believes in you and supports you. That energy becomes palpable and, I believe, can sway outcomes.

husband connecting with wife while in labor through touching her hands.
supported mother as she labors on the bed at a Las Vegas birth center
Las Vegas doula Regina Roy offering hydration to a mother laboring.
Regina Roy a Las Vegas doula using the Rebozo techniques in labor.
doula fanning a labor client as she sits on a birthing ball
mother resting between contractions while on birthing ball
sacral pressure by doula while mother is standing in labor.
mother laboring in hands and knees position for fetal rotation
framing techniques in birth photography
birth center support staff Las Vegas

The last stages of labor required Kaitlyn to dig deep and allow her body the rest it needed between contractions. Although she was fully dilated for hours, the urge to push and fetal descent was a slow process, just like the rest of her labor, but she remained determined and committed. Finally, at one point, her amazing midwife, April Clyde, and student midwife, Alexyis Bonilla, encouraged her to sit on the toilet in hopes it would aid in fetal descent. There is a reason they call the toilet the “dilation station.” It is often the key to opening the pelvis up to allow for fetal rotation and descent, and it finally did the trick. Kaitlyn went from working so hard to her baby’s head right there! They quickly assisted her into the tub (where she wanted to deliver) just in time for her to deliver her sweet baby girl.

checking cervical dilation while laboring at a Las Vegas birth center
assisted pushing at birth center in Las Vegas.
water delivery at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
mother holding her baby tightly right after delivery at Las Vegas birth center
proud husband after his wife delivered in the water at a birth center

The pride on pure joy on Jason’s face and the pure love and joy of Kaitlyn as she finally held her sweet girl in her arms pretty much had us all in tears.

immediately following a water birth at a birth center in Las Vegas
husband taking his wife's picture while holding her new baby right after delivery
mother holding her new baby girl after delivering in a birth center
support during a birth center birth from husband and midwifery student.
black and white image of a baby right after delivery in a birth tub.

As Kaitlyn was showered and assisted back to bed, dad had some precious skin-to-skin time with his new baby girl; it was so tender and beautiful. He just soaked it all up.

father enjoying skin to skin with his new baby while mother is cared for.
doula smiling at a new baby she assisted on.

And this beautiful soul, Regina. I had heard so many things about her, and I could 1000% see why her clients and the birth community love her. She is a blessing and holds such a special gift. She was so patient and connected with Kaitlyn, and so knowledgeable of the labor process.

skin to skin time with dad after delivery
sweet moments between mom, dad, and new baby right after delivery.
dad participating in newborn exam at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas.
April Clyde during a newborn exam at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
April Clyde providing breastfeeding support after a birth center birth in Las Vegas.

Newborn sessions with The Whole Package clients are always a little bittersweet. We’ve communicated so often in the weeks leading up to their birth, and to be a part of such an intimate and important time in their lives always leaves a lasting connection. To see that sweet reward in their arms is the best. These two were utterly smitten with their sweet Adeline, and I loved that they included their fur babies.

in-home newborn session in Las Vegas using master bedroom.
mother holding her new baby in her bedroom during an in-home newborn session in Las Vegas.
Little Loo Photography in home newborn session.
mother and baby together on the bed during an in-home newborn session.
newborn girl in pink wrap on parents bed.
newborn details a week after birth.
dad holding his newborn girl in a rocking chair during in-home newborn session.
dad cradling his new baby girl at home during a newborn session.
newborn in gold and navy outfit during an in-home newborn session.
mother snuggling her new baby girl during a lifestyle newborn session in Las Vegas.

And finally, their birth story in motion. The emotions and beauty of this period always carry over much better in film.

The Birth of Adeline

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

mother and father emotional after birth at Southern Hills Hospital


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2022 has been a wonderful year for me personally and as a business! After two years of the pandemic, my heart and soul needed it. For me, 2021 was just about as disappointing and confusing as 2020.

After deciding to rebrand and specialize in births in 2018, I had just gotten my groove going and hit my happy place before the pandemic hit. I was blessed to have plenty of work throughout the pandemic, but I often took on more than I should have and ended 2021 completely exhausted.

After being unable to attend so many births for two years, I had come to question my future path. The frustration of not being allowed into hospital birth spaces and the often unwelcoming atmosphere when I was added stress for myself and my clients.

I’m still not back to the number of births I was booking pre-pandemic, but I have hope. Believing wholeheartedly in this work and its importance for families has kept me focused. Birth is the most life-changing moment we experience. Whether it is a joyous birth (which I hope and wish for all families) or a traumatic one documenting your birth is important. Documenting your birth can be incredibly healing for past and current traumas. In fact, studies show that families who document their births report better birth experiences.

Showing you how beautiful and strong you are, and how many beautiful layers there are to your birth story is what drives me. Many clients have shared how their images and films have helped them through postpartum depression and anxiety. They’ve shared how valuable their images and film footage are to them in being able to look back on those powerful moments.

I believe I have been called to birth work and have immensely enjoyed this new phase of that work; the role of documenting birth stories for families. I’ve been in it for 22 years (19 as a L&D nurse, and 5 of my 11 years in business as a birth photographer), and can’t imagine ever growing weary of it!

Being allowed into these sacred spaces and being trusted in them means so much to me. It is a responsibility I don’t take lightly!

Session Favorites

Without further ado, on to my favorites!

I pick a session favorite from each session I document each year. It is fun to look back on the year by picking an image from each session that has inspired or impacted me. My favorites even change throughout the year, and often choose one that reminds me of how that session and time felt. (Clients who have requested their images remain private are not included in this post).

In 2022 I was able to document 12 birth stories.

5 hospital births, 6 home births, and 1 birth center birth.

I donated two birth stories for families experiencing a loss.

mother and father emotional after birth at Southern Hills Hospital
A water birth at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
dad holding new son after home birth in Las Vegas
mother holding her son after water birth with placenta in picture.
support of doula and midwife during a home birth in Las Vegas
husband supporting his wife during contractions at Nellis Air Force Base.
home birth in Las Vegas
birth at Centennial Hospital in Las Vegas
cesarean section image at Summerlin Hospital in Las Vegas.
home birth in Henderson, NV.

I documented 12 maternity sessions.

This special time in the lives of my clients is one of my favorites. It is such a special phase of life, and the anticipation always feels palpable to me. I love showing mamas how beautiful they are carrying their babies. They will have these images to share with their children as they grow. I’ve also added to my client closet for maternity sessions.

maternity session in the Las Vegas desert.
maternity session at the Valley of Fire
maternity session in black flowy dress
documenting pregnancy when their is a loss
Las Vegas maternity photographer
in-home maternity session in Las Vegas
sunset maternity session Las Vegas
Little Loo Photography maternity session
Little Loo Photography
maternity session with husband and toddler
studio maternity session Las Vegas
Las Vegas maternity photography

5 Fresh 48 sessions.

Fresh 48 sessions were often the next best option for clients who could not have me attend their hospital births. I love these early days of the newborn period and all the special little details it holds. It is such a fleeting stage of life, and for that reason, I believe it is so important!

fresh 48 session Las Vegas in home
in-home Fresh 48 session in Las Vegas
dad holding daughter during in-home fresh 48 session.
documenting the first days of the newborn period
hospital fresh 48 after a cesarean
baby stretching during fresh 48 session
mother with baby daughter in home fresh 48

17 newborn sessions.

documentary newborn session las vegas
Las Vegas in-home newborn photographer
newborn smiles during a newborn session
sisters together during newborn session in Las Vegas
newborn session including dog in Las Vegas
brother involved in a newborn session at home.
Danika holding her daughter during newborn session
newborn boy with a lot of hair newborn session Las Vegas
newborn details during photo session
in-home newborn session with peach wrap
Las Vegas newborn photographer
sweet newborn yawn during session
newborn session with blue swaddle

I photographed 9 families.

This number of family clients worked well this year. It is much less than I normally take on, but one of the areas of my business I’ve had to restrict because of the call time for birth clients. Thank you so much to all the families that have continued to trust me with their families and this time in your lives. I am so grateful to you!

For 2023, I have again limited the number of family sessions in my schedule.

I have transitioned into more lifestyle-type work when photographing families over the years. My goal is always to capture how this time in your life feels. I want to capture those silly little laughs and personalities and your loving on each other! My clients showed up this year ready to play and be fully present in their sessions and images; it was so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

dad and daughter during family session in Las Vegas
Las Vegas family photography
dad playing with son during family session in Las Vegas
sweet image of girl smelling flower
mother kissing her mom during a family session in Las Vegas
family photographer Las Vegas
mom and her two children family photographer
Dad holding daughter during family session
mother and daughter moment Las Vegas family session.

1 couples session.

Yes, that’s my beautiful daughter and her sweet and handsome boyfriend. I don’t photograph couples anymore, but it’s a special occasion when she asks!

couples mountain session in Colorado

I told one story as part of my annual ‘The Story’ giveaway.

For the last four years, I have done a giveaway telling the story of one individual, organization, or cause. I have loved offering this and have been able to tell the most amazing stories! This is an area I also had to pull in 2023 to allow the space to manage my schedule best for myself and my clients. Amazing stories seem to find me, so I will continue to tell them on a case-by-case basis. So, if you feel inspired to tell yours, please reach out! If my schedule allows, I would love to share it.

Ashley is an amazing and beautiful human being. I have known her for many years as we worked together in labor and delivery. Her transformation story is inspiring on so many levels, and she inspires me daily. Ashely’s story is important, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

Ashley's Story Las Vegas

1 headshot session.

This is another type of session I’ve pulled from my offerings. This beautiful client is my sister, so special circumstances as well!

Angela Atherley-Hernandez

1 milestone session.

I adore this type of session but have had to pull from my offerings. With such limited time and space between births, I have felt referring them out has been best for both myself and my clients. I mean, look at this guy. He was a 2020 birth I could not attend because of hospital restrictions.

in-home one year milestone session

I’ve also created a year-in-review birth film reel, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Thank you so much for trusting me with life’s most important moments and your most valuable and important people-your families! I am grateful for every one of you, and so grateful for this life and career. Thank you for believing in me and supporting my small business; there aren’t enough words!

2022 A Year in Review and Session Favorites

Sunday, January 1st, 2023

A Las Vegas woman shares her weight loss journey.


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A Transformation Journey

Ashley’s story is an inspiring transformation story. I couldn’t miss the opportunity to create another Las Vegas documentary, and am so grateful for her trusting me in the telling of her story. Ashley’s story is more than a weight-loss journey, it is full of determination and major life transformations.

I have known Ashley for years as we worked together on labor and delivery here in Las Vegas. I have always adored her passion for whatever she does whether it is taking care of her patients, her continual drive to learn and grow, and most of all her passion and love for her family. It shows in all that she does. Watching her navigate pain and loss, as well as celebrating the victories in her life, has been a blessing, so when she applied for my annual ‘The Story Giveaway’ I was beyond excited and immediately knew it was her story I wanted to tell.

Between the busyness of her work schedule and my birth client’s schedules, planning, filming, and editing this project was a long process, but seeing it all come together left me in tears every time I worked on it. I hope it inspires you just as much as it did me. It is a story full of hope, love, and commitment.

In communicating with Ashley and through her questionnaire, we narrowed down the areas she wanted to focus on in telling her story.

Her weight loss transformation was so much more than her bariatric surgery. Through her family’s love and support, she made lasting changes in her day-to-day life.

In evaluating the patterns and habits she had developed so early in her life, she wanted to set a new and different example for their children. After her surgery, Ashley began to experience so many health benefits, and one of them was her increase in energy and desire to be active.

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle with her children has been one of her greatest joys following surgery. Instead of being passive observers, they can enjoy physical activity together as a family.

They are huge hockey fans and their oldest son Hunter plays, so, of course, had to capture a little street hockey!

family plays street hockey outside Las Vegas home

brother and sister playing street hockey in Henderson, NV
kids staying active as a family
documenting families at home
family utilizing home gym in Las Vegas

Adding a home gym where they could easily work out as a family without worrying about having to leave the house has helped her maintain a physical activity regime. Again, not only has this been a huge benefit physically and emotionally for Ashley, but also for her family as a whole.

family's weight loss journey together
The Atkin family working out together in their home gym in Las Vegas
home gym in Henderson Nevada

Becoming more aware of unhealthy dietary habits following her surgery, Ashley went to work incorporating new and healthy eating habits in her home. Learning to cook and eat differently led Ashley on a journey of finding new ways to create recipes as substitutes for the foods she loves or healthy options to replace unhealthy fast foods and poor habits.

Again, this is something she has been able to incorporate into her family life and involve her children in. They shop, prepare, and cook together.

Ashley cooking dinner with her daughter in Henderson
weightloss journey after the gastric sleeve
daughter learning healthy eating habits from mother
seasoning fried zucchini slices
family eating together in their home
healthy eating habits with home cooked meals

The ripple effect of Ashley’s lifestyle changes has had an amazing impact on her family. Her husband, who has been an incredible support to Ashley, has lost a lot of weight through the dietary and physical activity changes they’ve made together as a family. Her oldest son Hunter has also experienced some healthy weight loss as a result. In addition, she is teaching her daughter London how to have a healthy relationship with food and a healthy view of her body.

support from husband as Ashley journeys through weightloss
staying connected as a couple through weight loss
a girl swimming under water in Las Vegas
underwater image of boy swimming

Ashley’s joy and passion have always been her family, and being able to be the best version of herself and be physically active and present with her children, has brought her so much joy.

I wanted to help Ashley celebrate these significant milestones and changes she has made in her life not only physically but emotionally as well with a studio session where she could express the confidence and joy her journey has made in her life.

Ashley Atkin studio session to celebrate her weight loss.
studio session in Las Vegas
Headshot of Ashley Atkin in Las Vegas
A Las Vegas woman shares her weight loss journey.
life after the gastric sleeve
celebrating lifestyle changes after weight loss
ashley atkin tells her story
documenting stories and their importance
playful studio session in Las Vegas
fun ideas for studio sessions
Las Vegas session in The Gathering Place
infusing personality into studio sessions
ashley's story, a weight loss journey
Gastric sleeve weight loss story
studio session in Las Vegas shared space
Being confident after weight loss.
a beautiful You session in Las Vegas

Ashley’s Story

Friday, December 16th, 2022

baby being delivered by c-section


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A Southern Hills Cesarean Birth

I’m excited to share The Birth of Ruby Ray, a beautiful cesarean birth at Southern Hills Hospital here in Las Vegas.

What makes this birth story extra special is that it is the second birth I’ve had the privilege of documenting for this family. This is another COVID birth story with so many unknowns. This mama advocated hard for me to be present for their birth and put in so many hours and hard work, making sure she contacted and talked to the people she needed to in order to make it happen. Even in the weeks preceding their birth, we weren’t 100% sure I would be able to attend, but she did not give up because it was important to them.

Sometimes it takes families a previous birth experience to realize how important having these moments captured is to them. Having faced infertility with their first, they knew they wanted their births captured. Dad is an incredibly talented photojournalist, and so, of course, they truly understood the value of documenting time and moments.

Their first delivery ended in a cesarean section, and luckily, I was allowed in the OR for that delivery. Facing postpartum depression and anxiety after that delivery, Sarah often shared that the images and video footage we had captured of their birth carried them through many hard days and nights and brought some healing into their journey. This time she was more prepared and able to be proactive in preparing for those emotions knowing she would likely experience it with their second. What I love about Sarah is her transparency and vulnerability in sharing her struggles and victories. She is passionate and advocates for what she believes in, and I admire that!

I’m grateful to Southern Hills nursing staff, nurse management, her OB, and anesthesia for allowing me into their birth space. Being allowed into the operating room isn’t always guaranteed and depends on multiple factors; I am grateful to be trusted in this space.

Be sure to read through to the end to see their beautiful birth story in film.

Southern Hills hospital in Las Vegas, NV
Southern Hills hospital labor and delivery unit

Having finally gotten the approval to be present in the operating room for her delivery just a week ahead, I was ready and excited for her surgery on their scheduled date. I woke up to a text from her telling me that she had started laboring in the early morning hours and was heading in a bit early. I quickly finished getting ready and rushed to meet them there.

mother laboring in the hospital before a c-section
mother gripping side raid during contraction
lab draw before a c-section at Southern Hills

By the time they arrived, her contractions had gotten intense, and she was pretty uncomfortable. A cervical exam revealed that she was significantly dilated, so they had tough decisions on whether to proceed with the scheduled cesarean or attempt a trial of labor. There were many factors they considered in this tough choice, and they decided, along with their OB, to move forward with the c-section. So, her prep for surgery was completed, and an epidural was administered to give her some pain relief before surgery.

leaning on husband while sitting up for an epidural
how an epidural is placed during labor
patient being wheeled to the operating room at Southern Hills
husband putting on sterile clothing before c-section
operating room for c-section
husband holding wife's hand while she is being operated on
support in the operating room during a c-section
pressure as they bring the baby out during cesarean

Having her children close together, there was still so many vivid memories from their first delivery that added a layer of emotion and fear.

baby being delivered by c-section
little loo photography at a c-section
baby at the warmer after a cesarean delivery

Their delivery was so beautiful and look at that head of hair!

important moments to capture during a c-section
baby ink footprints after delivery at Southern Hills
newborn exam after a c-section
the joy of seeing your baby for the first time

Why they continued with repair after delivery, dad was able to accompany their sweet girl to the nursery. There were so many tender moments there.

father going with new baby to the nursery
father taking picture of his new baby in the nursery
newborn blood pressures after delivery
newborn details after delivery
father with baby in the nursery at Southern Hills
father wheeling baby back to the room after c-section

After Ruby was finished with her newborn exam and vitals, dad headed back to the room with her, and mom arrived shortly after.

southern hills rooming in with newborn
dad holding his daughter after delivery at southern hills hospital
mother holding her new baby at Southern HIlls hospital
bonding with your newborn after a c-section
skin to skin after a c-section
tiny details to capture after delivery
eye to eye contact with baby after delivery
father skin to skin with his new baby in the hospital
dad bonding with daughter after delivery
using framing elements in birth photography
mother holding baby with boppy pillow after c-section
tender moments between mom and newborn

Thank you so much, Hagar family, for trusting me, not once, but twice, with life’s most precious and intimate moments!

The Birth of Ruby Ray

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

labor positions for home birth

fresh 48

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A Las Vegas Home Birth Story

I am so excited to finally share this beautiful Las Vegas home birth story.

Once again, I am behind on my blog posts, but I am committed to getting each birth story up, not only because they are beautiful and full of emotion but also because each is unique and special.

What I love about this birth story is that there are so many beautiful elements and layers of support woven in from her husband who never left her side, to her sweet pups that were nearby at all times patiently waiting, and her midwives who held and supported her when she began to doubt she could.

Be sure to follow along to the end to see their beautiful and powerful birth story in film.

mother laboring in bedroom on birthing ball

Deanna called me on a Saturday morning to let me know that she had been contracting since before sunrise and that they were staying consistent as well as increasing in intensity. The funny thing is that she had a feeling that this particular day would be her son’s delivery date, and she was right! She told me she would call me back when she was ready for me, and I got that call just a few hours later. So mid-morning, I joined them.

She was doing so well moving around to whatever position she felt most comfortable, and that changed from standing, to the birthing ball, to rocking on the bed. You could feel the anticipation in the room. She was able to talk through her contractions, and we had some sweet conversations about how they met and their history together; I love hearing families stories about how it all began.

using an exercise ball during labor at home
laboring in bedroom at home
leaning on bed during labor at home in Las Vegas
standing during contractions

Her midwife team arrived early afternoon and got right to making sure she was hydrated and had some healthy nutrition on board, as well as checking on baby and mom’s vital signs. It was such a beautiful early summer day, so they decided to try and get things moving and went for a walk.

midwife checking baby's heartbeat during labor at home
walking during the early stages of labor
eating during early labor for energy and calories
midwife listening to fetal heart tones as mom walks around the house
supportive husband holding his wife in labor

Her contractions did increase in intensity with the physical activity, and she began to turn inward more, and we all gave her the space to labor. You can feel that shift when moms have a strong birth team; it is a very sacred feeling when the room begins to ground itself, and the chatter fades to quiet support.

mother laboring in her tub at home in Las Vegas
husband rubbing his wife's back as she labors in the tub
mother turning inward during a contraction in her birthing tub
midwives checking fetal heart tones in water
midwife supporting her patient as she labors in the tub in Las Vegas
midwife providing emotional support in labor
working together as a team in labor at home.

She spent some time in the water and tried to find the most comfortable position for her. After some time in the water, she decided to get out and spend some time on the birthing ball she had found comfort on earlier. By this point, it was getting a bit harder to rest between her contractions, but she continued to stay focused and grounded through each wave.

husband and midwife supporting mother as she labors on birthing ball
home birth Las Vegas summer 2021
home birth supplies midwife brings
las vegas birth photographer
husband applying sacral pressure for wife while she labors
the importance of physical support in labor
las vegas home birth options

By now it was early evening and she was moving into the transition stage of labor. Her contractions were coming closer together, and she leaned into her support team. I have seen mothers begin to doubt themselves during this stage of labor; there is often so much going on physically between intense contractions, nausea, shaking, and pressure. She began to doubt herself and her husband, and midwives were there to physically and verbally support her with position changes and encouraging periods of rest. This stage lasted late into the night, and this mama was so exhausted.

midwife encouraging a mother in labor as she transitions
husband's support during the transition stage of labor
mother surrounded by midwife and husband as she labors at home
signs you are in the transition stage of labor
laboring in your bathroom for fetal rotation
hands and knees position while in labor for fetal rotation
including your pets in your birth story
hands and knees position during the transition stage of labor
pushing stage of labor with home birth
toilet use for fetal rotation in labor

By now, she was feeling pressure and the urge to push and spent some time in this stage of labor, and finding a comfortable position was increasingly difficult. There is a reason they call the toilet ‘the dilation station’; it is often where women instinctually go with that intense pelvic pressure, and sitting on the toilet helps to open the pelvis and allow the baby to come down. When her sweet babe decided to come, it happened so quickly that she only had time to get to the space directly outside her bathroom.

las vegas home birth
moments following birth at home in Las Vegas
midwife helping mom as she delivers in bathroom
Las Vegas birth story
parents with newborn son after a homebirth
sweet parents with their newborn son
the relief following the birth of your child
mother holding her son after delivery at home
parents cutting the cord after a home birth in las vegas
ammonia salts after delivery for dizziness

Because of the baby’s position and he was delivered, there was some perineal tearing and quite a bit of blood loss. Poor Deanna was not feeling well at this point and was trying hard to enjoy and savor every moment. Because of the difficulty keeping her vital signs stable, they decided to transfer to the hospital.

Luckily, I was able to come and document a sweet Fresh session for them when they were all home safe and sound.

parents at home with their newborn son
proud dad with his newborn son during home session
in home fresh 48 session in Las Vegas
mother holding her new son during in home fresh session
in home fresh session in Las Vegas
documenting your baby's first days
las vegas in home fresh session
sweet newborn yawn in home session
in home newborn
using your bedroom for a fresh session after delivery
dogs with their new baby human

The Birth of Orion

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

daughter hugging her mother as she labors


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A Family Centered Birth Story

I am so excited to finally share the birth of Javier Cesar, a beautiful family-centered birth story.

I have been anxiously awaiting a break in work to catch up on my blog. Unfortunately, I am months and months behind; this birth took place last April (2021)!

I love blogging these stories because seeing them as a whole shows how much storytelling there is in birth. The beautiful story that is birth begins months before you even meet. It starts in the planning, dreaming, hoping, praying, and in all the anticipation before your baby’s arrival even begins. Birth is the beautiful climax of your baby’s story. I believe there is no more life-altering and life-changing moment in our lives. So to witness it and capture it for families is such a blessing, and a responsibility I don’t take lightly!

Michelle found me in her second trimester as she searched for a birth photographer in her area. She reached out, and we talked about her hopes and wishes in documenting her birth. She and her family lived in St. George, UT, a town located an hour and a half north of me. Their birth would be the furthest I had ever traveled for a birth story. As we talked through her plans and wishes, we immediately connected and decided to move forward with lots of communication to make sure I had as much window as possible to make the drive and arrive in time. This was also their fourth baby, which added another layer of worry as she had gone pretty quickly with her last delivery.

Michelle is a truly special woman! I immediately admired her passion and drive, and her beautiful heart. She is also a talented birth photographer located in North Port, FL, an Ayurveda herbal specialist, military veteran, has even become a doula since her last birth!

This was their first homebirth and first son, so it of course was going to be a little bit extra special. I love that Michelle researched and educated herself, building her dream birth team.

Be sure to follow through to the end to see their beautiful birth story film, oh, and grab a box of tissues!

daughter hugging her mother as she labors

Michelle called me in the early morning hours on April 27th, letting me know her contractions were becoming regular and she believed it was time. I quickly packed up my car and got on the road. It was a beautiful rainy morning which made the drive through our desert so gorgeous. I arrived at their home just as the sun was rising. Everyone was up and Michelle had her close friend and neighbor as well as her doula, Trish Baird there.

having your children present as you labor at home
friend massaging head during contraction
quiet moments of rest during early labor
kneeling during contractions at home
midwife checking blood pressure at home

Soon her midwife, Janae Sherman arrived with the rest of her birth team. Michelle had created a beautiful space and atmosphere to labor in and was held and supported by her family and birth team.

back massage during labor
support team of doula and midwife

By midday, her contractions were becoming more intense and Michelle began to pull inwards and focus through each wave. At this point, she decided she was ready to get in the water.

laboring in the water at home
using water for relief in labor
support while laboring in the tub at home
beautiful home birth in St. George Utah
water effleurage in tube
doula interacting with children during a home birth

One of my favorite parts of witnessing home births is the family-centered care that comes so naturally in homes while allowing the space to move freely, not only for mama but also for children and support persons. It takes so much fear out of laboring. Their oldest daughter stuck by her mama’s side throughout the whole day, diligently timing each contraction, it was the sweetest.

daughter timing contractions for her mother
contractions intensify while laboring in bed
husband encouraging wife during contractions at home

This labor was longer than her last and caused Michelle to have some doubts about her ability. This is so common, especially in the transition phase of labor. She has done some incredibly hardcore things in her life from being a Marine, running the Grand Canyon rim to rim, and competing in body-building competitions, she has definitely done some hard things. She leaned into her team and into her strength and although this period was intense, it quickly got her to the pushing phase of labor. She planned on delivering in her tub but settled on her most comfortable spot along the tub. I love that she didn’t force it and trusted her body and position.

leaning on tub for support during pushing in labor
intense contractions before delivery at home
home delivery on bathroom floor
emotions immediately following delivery
doula lifting baby up to mother's arms after delivery
seeing baby for the first time face to face
the beautiful emotions of delivery
mother can't believe she just delivered her baby
little loo photography
daughter staying afar after delivery of her brother
beautiful home birth in St George
father cutting the cord after home birth
mother hydrating after home birth
mother holding her baby after delivery at home
sister interacting with her new baby after delivery at home
mother breastfeeding for the first time after homebirth

As Michelle got cleaned up and led to the bedroom, dad held his sweet new son and sisters gathered around. This is definitely one of my favorite births for so many reasons, one of them being the intense way this family loves each other.

father holding son for the first time
baby feet in father's arms for size
proud father holding his son
father holding his son at home
father and his children all together after home birth
big sister holding her new baby brother after delivery
family centered birth at home
mother holding baby and placenta
best birth photographer las vegas

This was their biggest baby which explained his slower descent, at 8 lbs 7 ounces.

newborn exam by Janae Sherman
home birth as a family experience
newborn swaddle after newborn exam
sweet mother baby moment at home
home birth st george

This family booked me for ‘The Whole Story’, my birth package that includes maternity, birth, Fresh, and newborn sessions. I love being able to come back in the weeks after and document their continued story. It is such a beautiful way to complete their birth story, and always a little bittersweet.

newborn session at home after birth
family together on bed during in home newborn session
beautiful in-home newborn session
newborn details during session in home
father with his children in home newborn
lifestyle in home newborn
siblings together during in home newborn
sweet sister new baby brother moment
sisters together with baby brother
husband and wife together in-home newborn
beautiful black and white image lifestyle newborn
newborn in father's arms
father newborn poses
newborn details lifestyle newborn
newborn details in home newborn
sweet newborn las vegas in home newborn
sweet newborn details

The Birth of Javier Cesar

Thursday, March 17th, 2022

As long as I can remember I have been drawn to stories and the people, like you, that make them worthwhile.

It’s an honor that you let me capture yours.

let's capture the beginning of it all. 

Big feelings, big changes, and big experiences are on the horizon