Ashley’s Story

A Transformation Journey

Ashley’s story is an inspiring transformation story. I couldn’t miss the opportunity to create another Las Vegas documentary, and am so grateful for her trusting me in the telling of her story. Ashley’s story is more than a weight-loss journey, it is full of determination and major life transformations.

I have known Ashley for years as we worked together on labor and delivery here in Las Vegas. I have always adored her passion for whatever she does whether it is taking care of her patients, her continual drive to learn and grow, and most of all her passion and love for her family. It shows in all that she does. Watching her navigate pain and loss, as well as celebrating the victories in her life, has been a blessing, so when she applied for my annual ‘The Story Giveaway’ I was beyond excited and immediately knew it was her story I wanted to tell.

Between the busyness of her work schedule and my birth client’s schedules, planning, filming, and editing this project was a long process, but seeing it all come together left me in tears every time I worked on it. I hope it inspires you just as much as it did me. It is a story full of hope, love, and commitment.

In communicating with Ashley and through her questionnaire, we narrowed down the areas she wanted to focus on in telling her story.

Her weight loss transformation was so much more than her bariatric surgery. Through her family’s love and support, she made lasting changes in her day-to-day life.

In evaluating the patterns and habits she had developed so early in her life, she wanted to set a new and different example for their children. After her surgery, Ashley began to experience so many health benefits, and one of them was her increase in energy and desire to be active.

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle with her children has been one of her greatest joys following surgery. Instead of being passive observers, they can enjoy physical activity together as a family.

They are huge hockey fans and their oldest son Hunter plays, so, of course, had to capture a little street hockey!

family plays street hockey outside Las Vegas home

brother and sister playing street hockey in Henderson, NV
kids staying active as a family
documenting families at home
family utilizing home gym in Las Vegas

Adding a home gym where they could easily work out as a family without worrying about having to leave the house has helped her maintain a physical activity regime. Again, not only has this been a huge benefit physically and emotionally for Ashley, but also for her family as a whole.

family's weight loss journey together
The Atkin family working out together in their home gym in Las Vegas
home gym in Henderson Nevada

Becoming more aware of unhealthy dietary habits following her surgery, Ashley went to work incorporating new and healthy eating habits in her home. Learning to cook and eat differently led Ashley on a journey of finding new ways to create recipes as substitutes for the foods she loves or healthy options to replace unhealthy fast foods and poor habits.

Again, this is something she has been able to incorporate into her family life and involve her children in. They shop, prepare, and cook together.

Ashley cooking dinner with her daughter in Henderson
weightloss journey after the gastric sleeve
daughter learning healthy eating habits from mother
seasoning fried zucchini slices
family eating together in their home
healthy eating habits with home cooked meals

The ripple effect of Ashley’s lifestyle changes has had an amazing impact on her family. Her husband, who has been an incredible support to Ashley, has lost a lot of weight through the dietary and physical activity changes they’ve made together as a family. Her oldest son Hunter has also experienced some healthy weight loss as a result. In addition, she is teaching her daughter London how to have a healthy relationship with food and a healthy view of her body.

support from husband as Ashley journeys through weightloss
staying connected as a couple through weight loss
a girl swimming under water in Las Vegas
underwater image of boy swimming

Ashley’s joy and passion have always been her family, and being able to be the best version of herself and be physically active and present with her children, has brought her so much joy.

I wanted to help Ashley celebrate these significant milestones and changes she has made in her life not only physically but emotionally as well with a studio session where she could express the confidence and joy her journey has made in her life.

Ashley Atkin studio session to celebrate her weight loss.
studio session in Las Vegas
Headshot of Ashley Atkin in Las Vegas
A Las Vegas woman shares her weight loss journey.
life after the gastric sleeve
celebrating lifestyle changes after weight loss
ashley atkin tells her story
documenting stories and their importance
playful studio session in Las Vegas
fun ideas for studio sessions
Las Vegas session in The Gathering Place
infusing personality into studio sessions
ashley's story, a weight loss journey
Gastric sleeve weight loss story
studio session in Las Vegas shared space
Being confident after weight loss.
a beautiful You session in Las Vegas


  1. […] and delivery. Her transformation story is inspiring on so many levels, and she inspires me daily. Ashely’s story is important, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I […]

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