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An image of a new mom holding her son while her midwife looks on

A Birth Full of Beauty, Light, and Love

The Birth of Cormac Seth

This is the second birth I’ve documented for this family, and both times, I was so inspired and blown away by the intentional space this mother created to welcome her children. As I tried to think of a title and ways to describe just how beautiful their birth was, I kept coming back to Beauty, Light, and Love. It is the perfect way to describe the physical space she had created, the dynamics of their family, and their love for each other.

Jessica is incredibly talented and spent weeks preparing her master bath for her son’s delivery, and as she shared bits and pieces of it through the process, I got more and more excited to see it in person. The biggest fear was that she would go incredibly fast like she had with her third baby, which brings the risk of me either running in at the end or missing it entirely (always a major fear for me and my clients). Her last baby came so fast I arrived just 20 minutes before she delivered!

Birth Full of Beauty

Although her birth space was gorgeous, as you can see, what made their whole birth story even more beautiful was that her girls happened to be on spring break and all home as she labored, and so besides being surrounded by this lovely space, she was surrounded by her children, her husband, fantastic midwife (that has now delivered all four of her children), and her friend and doula, Lori(also present for all her deliveries). Their birth film is full of all the beautiful details, so be sure to check it out.

black and white images of mother holding her daughter in her arms at home

Jessica’s labor is the perfect example of just how unpredictable birth can be. Although moms tend to follow the patterns of their previous pregnancies, there are always surprises and unknowns. After all the worry about it going so fast and making it in time, her son’s labor proved to be long and steady. In fact it stalled out a bit right after everyone arrived (not uncommon), so she laid down and took a little nap and reset with her youngest, then got up and moved around with the girls; dancing, cuddling, and just loving on each other. That worked on bringing more oxytocin into play, and soon things were moving along again.

mother holding her daughter as she labors at home in her bathroom
daughters interacting with their mom as she labors at home in a beautiful birth space
daughter fanning her mother as they dance at home while she is in early laobr
husband rubbing his wife's lower back as she leans over tub while in labor
daughters filling tub with flower petals as their mother labors at home
birth space decorated with white flowers and lights
black and white image of a woman laboring in a tub full of petals surrounded by white flowers and beautiful light.
husband and doula physically supporting mother as she labors in tub wiht flower petals

Full of Light

Not only was her birth space filled with beautiful twinkle lights and gorgeous candles, but she was also lucky enough to have a daytime birth, so light-filled all the spaces she was in.

midwife Dixie Story of Las Vegas supports a mother as she labors at home.
daughters holding their mother's hand as she labors in a tub at home
wife being supported by her husband and two daughters as she labors at home in her tub
tender moment as a daughter lays her head on her mother's arm

She had hoped her daughters would be interested and engaged when she delivered but kept the option always open to them to come in and out as they felt comfortable and only when ready. They came in at different stages, sometimes individually, sometimes together, but always sweet and tender.

image of husband and doulas hands holding a mother as she breaths through a contraction
a mother resting between contractions as she labors in a tub full of flower petals
mother breathing through intense contractions as her doula rubs her lower back in the tub

Finally, after some intense pressure and surges, she held her sweet boy in her arms.

mother holds her son in her arms right after delivering him at home surrounded by her family
mother holding her new baby in a blue blanket in the water as the father looks on
excited sister as they meet their new baby brother while their mom holds him
newborn in his mother's arms covered in vernix right after delivery
mother looking at her new son as she takes in his details

Full of Love

I am so impressed by so many things about Jessica and her beautiful family, but one thing that is so obvious from the time you meet her is how much her family means to her. Her love for all of them permeates everything. After three girls, welcoming her first son added an additional layer of excitement and joy for them all.

mother in bed looking at her new son just moments after delivery
black and white image of a mother holding her son right after delivery at her home in Las Vegas
dad cutting the cord after a home birth in Las Vegas
An image of a new mom holding her son while her midwife looks on
newborn making eye contact with his mom right after delivery
mother holding her son in her arms as she lays down in bed
mother holding her son tight as she lays down in her bed after a home birth in Las Vegas
mother breastfeeding her new baby as big sister tenderly touches head
sister tendering holding her new baby brother after a Las Vegas home birth

Big sisters are big enough to always remember just how special this day was, and how they were a part of it all.

Dixie Story a Las Vegas midwife performing a newborn exam
newborn measurements after a home birth
midwife weighing the baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
midwife checking baby's heart rate after a home birth
a mother kissing her son's head as she snuggles him in bed after delivery

Birth is so full of beauty and story, no matter how it unfolds. I love that this family was able to create their own beautiful birth space, and hopefully, it inspires you as much as it did me!


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