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tender moments as a family after delivery

A Pandemic Birth Story

A Summerlin Hospital Birth Story

This beautiful pandemic birth story took place at Summerlin Hospital.

One of my 2020 highlights while in the COVID-19 pandemic was documenting this beautiful family’s second birth story.

To say that the restrictions accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic have affected my ability to document life’s most important moments for families is a major understatement.

Having documented this family’s first birth, the idea of missing the opportunity with their second was stressful for all of us, and we waited on pins and needles in the weeks and months leading up to their due date, completely unsure of how things would look and whether it would even be an option. Luckily, by the time their due date came along, our cases and hospital capacity here in Nevada were looking much better and because I was certifying as a doula, I had the privilege of being able to attend while doula privileges were allowed. I will forever be grateful for that opportunity.

Be sure to read end to end to see their beautiful birth story in video!

husband holding his wife's hand while he stands by the bed
mother sitting on a birthing ball next to the bed for support while in labor

Hannah and Christian are one of my favorite couples. They have a unique bond and a relationship that draws you in and makes you want to be in their presence. They naturally love each other and wear their emotions beautifully on the outside. They are also reserved and very private in many senses; being in their birth space both times felt almost reverent. Hannah was strong enough to set healthy boundaries and expectations around both birth experiences and voice her wishes; in both of their births, I worked my hardest to honor that space.

giving birth during the pandemic
husband using shake the apples method with a towel while wife is in labor
spinning babies techniques to use while in labor
husband applying counter pressure while his wife is in hands and knees position during labor.

So many elements of Hannah’s labor were so similar to her first, from the time of day she labored to the way her labor progressed. She was fortunate enough to have the same room as her first delivery and her dear friend and fellow nurse as her labor nurse.

With both labors, they used many of the methods they had learned from the Spinning Babies techniques, and Christian was right in tune with knowing which one to help her with as she labored.

supportive husband  holding his wife's hand before an exam in the hospital.
standing while in labor with support of partner to lean on
using the peanut ball to help your baby rotate while in labor
capturing the details of a labor room while documenting a birth story.
mother using the birthing ball on her hospital bed for support.
unique positions to rotate baby in labor las vegas
contractions increasing in strength and duration during labor.
using gravity to sit up in the bed while laboring in the hospital
side lying position in labor for fetal rotation
husband staying by his wife's bedside as she labors in the hospital
beautiful pandemic birth story
increasing pain with contractions while in labor
beautiful angles and perspectives in documenting birth
beautiful Las Vegas birth story
a husband and wife connect during labor by holding hands
husband at his wife's bedside as she labors during the pandemic
contractions increasing in pain and intensity hospital birth
mother focusing during contractions during a hospital birth in Las Vegas

Their sweet girl did not want to rotate and come down, which prolonged her labor, even with all her dedication to position changes. Finally, she came down, and it was time!

preparing to push in a hospital in las vegas during the pandemic
time to push in labor
the atmosphere in the labor room when preparing to push.

Just like their previous birth, once she decided to come, it unraveled quickly, and they weren’t sure her doctor would make it in time, but also, just like last time, she did! And just like that- their sweet baby girl was here!

beautiful pandemic birth story
a mother holding her baby for the first time at Summerlin hospital in Las Vegas
pure elation after the birth of your child
first moments with your baby after a hospital birth
a mother taking in every little detail of her newborn daughter
newborn details in the hospital
mother relieved after delivery with her daughter in her arms
skin to skin right after a vaginal delivery in a hospital in las vegas
pure joy after a vaginal delivery
the pure joy after a delivery in the hospital in las vegas
cutting the cord after a vaginal delivery in Las Vegas
tender moment between mom and baby after vaginal delivery

After cutting the cord and skin-to-skin, their sweet baby girl went to the radiant warmer for assessment and her newborn exam.

newborn exam at the radiant warmer with dad at bedside.
newborn measurements at the radiant warmer
the precious moments at the radiant warmer during the newborn exam
the period following delivery in the hopsital
capturing the first moments with your baby
cutest little newborn girl

Quickly she was right back in her mama’s arms for more skin-to-skin and initial breastfeeding. Because their last delivery was preterm and their son transferred to the NICU, this period was both special and incredibly emotional for them.

pure joy at relief to hold your baby in your arms
the golden hour after a hospital birth
sweet newborn moments in the hospital
skin to skin and the importance in the first hours
tender moments as a family after delivery
pulse oximeter on mother's finger after delivery
beautiful ending to a pandemic birth story

And finally, their beautiful birth story film!


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