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parents reacting to the birth of their son in a Las Vegas birth center


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A Birth Story of Strength and Determination

I am excited to finally share the birth of Malakhai! There is no reason I haven’t shared it yet other than being behind on blog posts. The good side about sharing this powerful birth story, full of strength and determination a year later, is that often, the beauty present in each birth story becomes even more evident over time as families process and revisit not only the joyous moments but the struggles and obstacles they experienced in these transformative moments.

I was so happy when this family found me and asked if we could arrange a face-to-face meeting to see if we were a good match. (I highly recommend this when hiring anyone for your birth, whether it be your OB, midwife, doula, or photographer). From the moment they sat down, their excitement was so evident, and their connection with each other was so beautiful. We had a great conversation and were so excited when they shared they were ready to move forward.

They planned on delivering at Serenity Birth Center here in Las Vegas. It is a beautiful option for families and the only free-standing birth center in Las Vegas.

As her due date came and went, this mom stayed patient and committed to letting their sweet boy arrive in his own time. Finally, just a day shy of 42 weeks, her labor started. They labored at home with their doula in the early phase of labor, and at 0230 in the morning, I got a text from Dad saying they were heading to the birth center. I made my way there as soon as she was admitted and settled. She was in the active stage of labor and approaching transition (7-10 cms). From the beginning, their birth space was quiet and peaceful.

Serenity Birth Center Las Vegas

I was excited to finally work alongside their doula, Ednalyna of The Birth Tribe. I had heard such great things about her, and it was evident in watching her hold and support this family why she is so loved.

Midwifery care at Serenity Birth Center
birth team with doula and husband at birth center in Las Vegas
midwife checking fetal heart tones in the water
Las Vegas doula Edna supporting her client
Birth tubs at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas, NV.
Doula holding her client as she breathes through a contraction in the birthing tub

First babies are often longer labors, and although she had made so much progress before being admitted, the last phases of labor proved to be long for this mama. She moved from the water to bed to standing positions. She stayed committed to whatever positions would help bring her baby down.

laboring in the bed at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
husband holding his wife's hand during labor in Las Vegas
being a good support person during labor
hands and knees position for laboring
husband applying lower back pressure in the standing position during labor

It can be challenging for husbands and partners to see the struggle because it can feel helpless and hard to stay patient. The energy of every person in your birth space can feed into your experience, and an anxious person can feed into your energy. This dad stayed so calm, supportive, and encouraging.

doula and husband both supporting mother as she labors in the standing position
mother smiling as she labors standing using Spinning Babies movements
mother hugging her husband while she labors in the standing position
laboring with support of doula in Las Vegas
husband giving his wife encouragement as she labors in a Las Vegas birth center
husband holding his wife in the birth tub at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas

The challenging part of this labor was that even though she was finally 10 cms and had the urge to push, her baby stayed high for quite some time. It was hard for mom to rest between the pressure and urge to push.

side-lying position in labor for fetal rotation
nitrous oxide during labor at Las Vegas birth center
the importance of including partner in labor support alongside your doula
using the peanut ball during pushing
staying hydrated and fueled during labor with honey sticks and peanut butter
pushing on the toilet to aid in fetal descent in Las Vegas birth center.
laboring on the toilet for fetal rotation

Between pushing, they tried just about every position imaginable. One of the most useful positions for bringing baby down as they make their final rotations is the toilet; in fact, in the birth community, it is often called ‘the dilation station’.

using a pull sheet to aid in pushing during birth

Finally, almost 18 hours after being admitted, her sweet boy was in her arms. I am still in awe of them both for staying committed and focused and determined to bring their sweet boy earthside in the setting they wanted.

side-lying position for pushing in labor
parents reacting to the birth of their son in a Las Vegas birth center
mother holding her new baby right after birth in a Las Vegas birth center
father holding his son skin-to-skin after delivery at Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas

This birth story will always stay with me and will forever inspire me because of their strength and determination. I am honored to have had the opportunity to share their story.

The Birth of Malakhai

Friday, February 9th, 2024

dad cutting the cord after delivery in birth tub at home

fresh 48

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A Las Vegas Home Birth Story

This beautiful mama found me after they moved to Las Vegas as she began her search for a midwife and birth photographer. I am so happy she found me! They had so much to do while searching for care after moving mid-pregnancy, finding care they felt confident in, and organizing their new home.

I was even more excited that she also wanted to document their pregnancy.

I really love being able to document not only your birth (my true passion), but also more of your journey through maternity, Fresh 48, and newborn sessions. It really tells more of your story, and the story always has my heart.

I have loved having more and more clients this year request in-home maternity and family sessions! I think they have such an intimate feel to them, and I love including the elements of your own home. After all, your home is where your memories together will be made!

mom using her bedroom for a natural in-home maternity session in Las Vegas
mom and daughter during in-home maternity session in Las Vegas
using your bedroom for in-home maternity session in Las Vegas

Shooting their maternity session in their home was also great because Nicole planned on giving birth at home, so we could have our consult and an opportunity for me to take a look at the areas she would be using for her birth. It really helps me to be visually prepared as far as setting and light. It also makes your birth experience more comfortable because we have already met, and I have more of a feel of your personalities and wishes.

beautiful mother during in home maternity session in Las Vegas using her baby's nursery
mother in beautiful lace gown inside her baby's nursery during in home maternity session in Las Vegas
beautiful newborn nursery in Las Vegas

Very rarely do I prefer black and white images over color, but both of their maternity and birth sessions converted so beautifully to black and white, and I adore them.

mom and dad holding toddler during in home maternity session in Las Vegas
Las Vegas couple during maternity session at home
couple together during maternity session in their home in Las Vegas

We also incorporated their Christmas tree into the session since it timed out perfectly with the holidays.

Maternity session incorporating Christmas tree
pregnant mother standing in front of her Christmas tree at home in Las Vegas
mother in front of Christmas tree during her in home maternity session

Nicole delivered 3 weeks early with their older daughter and had experienced quite a lot of preterm contractions with this pregnancy. She also had a history of fast delivery with her last baby, so we talked about this quite a bit. Because of her history, I started call for her birth at the 37-week mark, and we talked often to check in with each other so that I would be on high alert when the time came.

She had quite a few moments in the week leading up to the birth that she thought could really be it. She experienced quite a few sleepless nights and uncomfortable cramping, but they always spaced back out and became irregular. It was a bit tricky, but as always, when on call I checked in often and kept my phone right by my head at night. Finally, after her last office appointment, her cervical check did show some cervical change, and her baby was sitting so low, so we amped up our communications. She really wanted to be sure they stayed regular before calling everyone over, and as they became more and more uncomfortable, we finally decided to just be safe and have me head over. Luckily, I live just 20 min away from her.

mother in birth tub with husband at her side after delivery of their baby girl

When I arrived, the door was ajar for me, so I just knew I better book it up the stairs, and sure enough, by the time I got up there, Nicole was in the tub and quite calmly looked over at me and said, “I’m pushing”. The room was dark and calm; her husband, Anthony, was cool as a cucumber. I had beaten the midwife there. As I frantically ran around trying to add enough light to capture some images without being too disruptive and altering the room’s mood, she calmly delivered her baby girl into her arms. Neither one of them got worked up, and it happened so quickly! I could grab one image of her baby emerging and then just started shooting everything as it unfolded.

mother holding baby after delivery in her birth tub in Las Vegas
mother holding baby after delivering rapidly in her birth tub before the midwife arrived.
mother calmly holding baby after a precipitous delivery at home
using creative perspectives in documenting birth at home
delayed cord clamping after home birth in Las Vegas
dad cutting the cord after delivery in birth tub at home

Her midwives arrived shortly after I did. I always love seeing the Serenity Birth Center birth team, they are such a capable group of midwives.

dad holding new baby as his wife gets out of their birthing tub at home
Anthony Prince holding his daughter after their birth at home

I was impressed by how well they handled the stress of such a precipitous delivery. They just did what they needed to do, and it unfolded beautifully.

Sarah Slobody assisting a mother after delivery in Las Vegas
dad holding new baby while midwives assist mom out of the birth tub at home
little baby feet in dad's arms after a home birth in Las Vegas
storytelling in birth photography capturing the scene
mom breastfeeding her baby after a home birth
newborn exam after home birth by Serenity Birth Center midwives
measuring the baby after a home birth
weighing the baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
newborn exam after delivery in Las Vegas home
breastfeeding moments after birth
the little details of birth at home
grandpa meeting his new granddaughter after home birth

Nicole had really hoped her dad would be in town when she delivered, and he was scheduled to fly out the night she went into labor. It timed out so perfectly. I just love capturing family members meeting their new baby, you could just see the pride all over his face.

proud grandfather holding his new granddaughter after home birth in Las Vegas
postpartum teaching at home by midwives
postpartum care at home after delivery

Big sister slept through the whole birth, and mom and dad were pretty exhausted, so we decided I would come back the next day to capture more images of them together once everyone rested.

sister meeting her new baby after birth at home

Their daughters are just under a year apart and big sister was so good with her! Documenting siblings meeting is one of my favorite things!

family together for Fresh 48 after home birth
adorable sisters meeting the day after delivery in Las Vegas home
capturing siblings meeting for the first time after birth
fresh 48 after home birth
Prince family at home after home birth
mom and her two baby girls during Fresh 48 session in Las Vegas home
fresh 48 newborn details of legs during Fresh 48 session
fresh 48 session after home birth in Las Vegas
using bedroom for fresh 48 session
cute family at home after home birth in Las Vegas
mom and dad kissing in group images with both of their daughters
mother holding her new baby girl swaddled at home
mom and baby together using the elements of their own home during in home session

Oh, how I wish I could have captured more of their birth, but I am so happy for them that it was a quick one! And this just goes to show you that there is still so much story surrounding the actual moment of birth. I love the story and the love we were able to capture around it!

The Birth of Riannon

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

home birth with Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas


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A Henderson, NV Birth Story

I am so excited to finally share this beautiful birth story of John Tito, born at home. I adore this family. I met them in 2018 when I documented their first delivery at home. I was in awe of the love they had for each other and the strength of this incredibly powerful mama.

Jennifer delivered her first at home, in the water, and stayed strong through a long labor, delivering their baby girl into her husband’s arms. It was beautiful to witness. Both mom and dad are first responders in our community, with mom being a paramedic and Greg being a firefighter for the city of Henderson.

I was so excited when Jennifer contacted me to document this birth story! There is nothing better than documenting a family as they grow. I was so excited that big sister would be there and that she intended to deliver in the water again.

As with my birth clients, I checked in frequently with Jennifer to see how she was feeling and how things were going as her due date approached. She had gone a week over with her first but felt like she was going to deliver sooner with this one. She is an incredibly busy woman and was in her last semester earning an advanced degree while working, and taking care of a toddler, so as that due date approached, she was so tired and ready to hold her baby in her arms.

I am an early riser and don’t sleep well while on call for births. I woke up at 3 am one morning and checked my phone, as usual, to make sure I hadn’t missed anything just as she texted me to let me know she was having pretty strong contractions, but they weren’t staying too regular quite yet, and that she would keep me posted. Although I have my gear ready at all times while on call, I made sure it was at the door, and I was showered, just in case, because they live about 40 minutes from me.

She updated me again at midday to let me know she had gone to the midwife to be checked and was dilated, and her contractions were still strong but not regular yet. So, I continued to wait! Late afternoon I got the call that it was time. Dads often call me by this point when moms are in active labor, and Greg did call me to let me know they had called the midwife to come, so I headed out there. He felt like she was going fast at this point, so I didn’t waste any time heading out there.


Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable when I arrived and was just ready to move into the tub.

mom being comforted by children while laboring at home
mom being comforted by midwife and husband while laboring
mom laboring in tub with family supporting her
the strength of a woman laboring
the inner strength it takes to deliver at home

Little Angelina was so cute and well-behaved as Jennifer labored in the water surrounded by her midwives and husband, coming over every so often to give her mama a kiss or drink of water.

small daughter present at home birth in Las Vegas comforts her mother
therapeutic touch in labor
laboring on hands and knees in birth tub during a Las Vegas home birth
the caring touch of a midwife in Las Vegas
Sarah Slobody comforting her patient during a home birth in Las Vegas
using cool washcloths for comfort during a Las Vegas home birth

Jennifer’s labor was similar to her last at almost the same time of day, right down to the hour. Both times she trusted her body and, between gentle touch and reassurances from her midwives and husband, labored with such strength.

the importance of support in a home birth Las Vegas
pressure applied to lower back of laboring mother by midwife during a home birth delivery in Las Vegas
beautiful images of Las Vegas home birth by Little Loo Photography
the urge to push in a water birth in an in home delivery

Finally, Jennifer felt the urge to push and work and once again delivered their baby boy into her husband’s arms. It was just beautiful.

the birth of John Tito
holding baby in your arms after a water birth at home
beautiful perspective of a mother holding her baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
family surrounding a mother after her home birth in Las Vegas
home birth with Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
father cutting the cord after a home birth of John Tito in Las Vegas
newborn exam by Serenity Birth Center midwife
newborn exam by midwife after Las Vegas homebirth
weighing the baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
newborn exam at home after home birth

I am continually in awe that I witness such strength and beauty in women. I have been a part of the birth industry for almost 20 years now, and the beauty of birth has never faded.

The Birth of John Tito

Monday, January 27th, 2020

As long as I can remember I have been drawn to stories and the people, like you, that make them worthwhile.

It’s an honor that you let me capture yours.

let's capture the beginning of it all. 

Big feelings, big changes, and big experiences are on the horizon