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mother full of joy and excitement upon seeing her newborn baby for the first time

A Miraculous Surprise

Welcoming Their Third Baby Naturally after IVF Journeys

Having the opportunity to document these moments for families always feels like witnessing miracles. The birth process itself is miraculous to think about, from growing a tiny human inside of our bodies to the process of babies transitioning from a dark, fluid-filled, quiet environment to a bright, noisy environment where their little bodies go through so many changes from alterations in circulation to breathing air for the first time. The fact that it occurs naturally most of the time is impressive!

This birth story is even more miraculous not just because of the usual miracles that unfolded on this day as they welcomed their baby girl into their arms but because of the years, tears, and anticipation that preceded this day. You see, this family had struggled through infertility for years.

Finally, through fertility treatments, they were able to have their first baby together in 2020. During this pregnancy, this mom found me when searching for a photographer to document this momentous time in their lives. This family savored every second of that pregnancy and delivery, and they were so happy to have their sweet baby girl in their arms finally. Being born during 2020 and all the pandemic restrictions made it challenging for me to attend their delivery, but things worked out perfectly in the end, and I was able to be there for them. Sadly, her family could not attend because of those restrictions, which was really hard for Ashlie as they are so close.

Again, in 2021, Ashlie reached out to me to let me know they were pregnant again! The transfer of another frozen embryo was successful, and they were expecting their second daughter. Again, there were continued hospital restrictions, but I was able to be present for their birth, and her sister was able to be there this time! It wasn’t quite what she wanted because she still had to decide who was there and wanted her mother there. Their second daughter was born after a completely different labor and her own unique birth story.

a person lying in a hospital bed with a yellow ball while in labor

This sweet family had two beautiful daughters and still had another embryo should they decide to grow their family again. And then, the most amazing and miraculous thing happened, they became pregnant on their own! It meant that they would have three babies under the age of 3, and although that felt a bit overwhelming at times, they truly leaned into that miracle and rejoiced! This truly was a miraculous surprise!

The Miraculous Surprise

Of course, this pregnancy and birth had to have their unique birth story, and I love that each of their girls was different! Although there were continued restrictions in most of our local hospitals in 2023, the staff was much more empathetic and, with communication, agreed to let them have her mother, sister, Greg, of course, and myself all present! This meant so much to Ashlie; you could feel the energy in their birth space shift when she had that support around her.

a woman lying in a hospital bed in labor

This pregnancy went the longest for her gestationally, which made those last weeks extra challenging, but once labor finally started, she had such a fast labor! Although it was so much quicker than her previous two, it was also more intense, so that period waiting for her epidural was a bit rough, but once she got that, she was able to relax and enjoy the support around her.

mother covering her eyes and meditating while in labor in a hospital bed
a pregnant woman in a hospital bed talking on the phone with her family while emotional

Ashlie continued to progress quickly; before you knew it, she felt intense pressure. She leaned into breathing and her support team, and what I loved was that she focused on the blessings in her life and pulled out her phone with a picture of her sweet girls to fo

mother looking at a picture of her children for inspiration while in the hospital for delivery
a mother being supported by her sister and husband while laboring in a hospital bed in Las Vegas
mother grasping bedrail as she breathes a contraction while in a hospital bed.
a mother supporting her daughter while in labor through words of encouragement and physical touch
family surrounding a hospital bed of a woman in labor at Southern Hills Hospital in Las Vegas
woman on a FaceTime call with her family while on labor and delivery at Southern Hills hospital
gift bags for the birth photographer and birth support team

Just before she was ready to deliver, she gave each of us these sweetest gifts. How thoughtful and kind is that? It meant so much to me. I’m always blown away that I get to witness these moments and am trusted in these spaces. This birth was additionally emotional for me, and I processed the fact that I’ve been there for all three of their births!

sister providing emotional and physical support while her sister delivers a baby at Southern Hills Hospital
table full of delivery instruments for a hospital birth
husband kissing his wife before she starts pushing in labor

Because things moved so quickly, they waited for her obstetrician to arrive before pushing. Dr. Adashek is amazing and was on call for her regular doctor; Dr. Wilkes. Greg had been able to assist in the delivery of their last baby and had hoped he would have the opportunity again. Dr. Adashek went above and beyond and gave Greg the main role of delivering his daughter. It was amazing!

a black and white image of a father delivering his own baby in the hospital setting
father helping doctor deliver his daughter in the hospital
Dr. Adashek helping a father deliver his own son at Southern Hills hospital in Las Vegas
father delivering his own baby and placing on his wife's belly during a hospital delivery
mother full of joy and excitement upon seeing her newborn baby for the first time

Each of their girls have been named after grandparents which made each so unique and extra special!

nursery nurse drying off baby with a towel after delivery in a hospital
husband looking in his wife's eyes after she delivers their baby
newborn baby being dried with a towel immediately after delivery while on mom's stomach
newborn baby girl in her mother's arms after a hospital delivery
father cutting umbilical cord after a hospital delivery in Las Vegas
father holding his newborn daughter's hand while she's in the warmer after delivery
Newborn being weighed in the hospital after delivery.
husband and wife touching forheads together in a tender moment after the delivery of their baby
a mother crying as she holds her newborn daughter after years of struggling through IVF
Dr Adashek at a patient's bedside after he delivered her baby
mother holding her newborn daughter skin-to-skin his her hospital bed
black and white image of a mother holding her new baby while her sister leans over the bed rail

You can feel all that emotion and love in their still images, but video has an extra special way of showcasing all those emotions!

We have done newborn sessions with each of their girls, and each girl had a designated color that they incorporated into their sessions. Again, Ashlie is so thoughtful and intentional, and I love that, among a million other things about her.

parents holding their newborn swaddled in white during a studio newborn session
mother holding her newborn daughter hose to nose in a newborn session
father holding his daughter in his arms while supporting her head during a posed newborn session
father kissing his newborn daughter during newborn session
A miraculous surprise of a family becoming pregnant naturally after years of IVF struggles
newborn posed on a yellow cloth while swaddled in a yellow wrap


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