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woman laboring in her own tub with flowers in Las Vegas

The Birth of Savannah Grace

A Las Vegas Birth Story

I am so excited to share another beautiful birth story from 2019. This mama found me over the summer as she was looking for a birth photographer for her third baby. This is the second client this year that hired me for their third birth, even though they hadn’t professionally documented their previous two births. I think many families feel guilty about hiring a birth photographer for their birth if they hadn’t for previous children because it can feel a little unfair. I have a totally different perspective.

I think that it is after your first birth, and maybe even second, that you really realize that the fears of being documented begin to diminish amid the desire to have those memories to look back on. What I love about documenting births with other children is that I always involve them in the birth story somehow, whether that be during labor or when they meet for the first time. Your family and your connection are a vital part of your birth story. They are often my favorite images and footage. What I would give to have my birth stories documented with my own children!

There really is nothing like birth and the deep story woven throughout each one. It seems that there are moments that we so easily vividly recall about the births of our children, holding them for the first time, the smells, and emotions. We are often times so exhausted by the point of delivery, and in those first sleepless days, that some of those memories can also be a bit vaguer, especially with the passage of time.

You didn’t get to see your spouse’s face as they spoke to your baby in the warmer or the tender way your loved ones touched you and worried over you. My job is always to capture the most important moments to you, and we talk about this in the weeks leading up to your delivery.

We decided on meeting in their home for our client meeting before her birth so that I could see her birth space and talk comfortably there; it was a great opportunity to meet the whole family. She wanted the girls involved if they felt comfortable with it but had decided she would leave that up to them. I was so excited once I saw their gorgeous home, she has it so beautifully and thoughtfully decorated and had printed images throughout her home. It was quite evident that capturing memories and documenting her family was a priority. That always makes a photographer’s heart swell.

woman laboring in her own tub with flowers in Las Vegas

She had delivered at home with her previous two and at different gestational ages with them both, so it was hard to say when she would deliver. She ended up going over this one. As with all of my clients, we frequently communicated as she had a fast labor history. Finally, on an October evening, I got a text that she was contracting regularly but wasn’t ready for me to come quite yet. I made sure that her doula had my number as well so that I could respond quickly when she was ready. And shortly after that first conversation, I got a text that it was time to go ahead and come on over!

laboring in your own tub in a home birth in Las Vegas

Luckily, she lives not too far from me, so I got there pretty quickly. When I arrived, I quietly entered her birth space to find that she was moving quickly and had the occasional urge to push. I was in awe of her beautifully decorated birth space (that she decorated while laboring!), it was so well thought out and so full of so many meaningful and sentimental items. Her doula and midwife both spoke words of encouragement over her and guided her through those urges. Her husband moved in and out of the room between the girls and his wife.

husband holding his wife's hand during the urge to push in a home birth
husband supporting his wife as she labors in her own tub at home in Las Vegas
beautifully decorated birth space in a Las Vegas home
birth space decorated with meaningful items in Las Vegas
doula support using touch and encouraging words

Jessica ended up delivering 20 minutes after I arrived! She went so fast; I was just so grateful that I made it!

emotional mother holding her baby after birth at home in tub in Las Vegas 2019
emotional mother holding her baby after birth in water
baby being dried off with a towel after water birth at home.
siblings meeting their new baby after a home birth in Las Vegas

It was such a beautiful delivery, and Jessica made it all look so graceful! Her girls made it into the room after their baby was born; they were so adorable!

big sister meeting her new baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
mother holding her new baby in her own bedroom after a home birth
family together on the bed after a delivery at home.
husband cutting the cord at home after their birth
husband and wife with new baby at home after home birth in Las Vegas
beautiful home birth story 2019
newborn exam by midwife after home birth
the beauty of capturing hands in birth stories
how newborn exams are done after home birth
herbal tea after home birth 2019
the beauty of eye to eye contact with new baby after home birth in Las Vegas
dad holding his new baby after a home birth in Las Vegas 2019
the beautiful details of a home birth in Las Vegas
including the support of women in your birth story at home.


  1. Iris says:

    Another beautiful birth story you have told. You are so amazing. I am sure they will treasure this for a life time.

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