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beautiful Las Vegas homebirth

Born at Home and Into Love

A Las Vegas Birth Story

This beautiful birth story took place in this family’s home, born into the arms of those that love her the most.

When I began my photography business in Las Vegas in 2011 (I just celebrated ten years!), it felt impossible to build a solid clientele while creating a brand in which I could stand out in such a competitive field. I began my business working with newborns and their families, a specialty that evolved organically from working with families for many years as a labor and delivery nurse. What drew me into newborn photography was the same core desire that drove me into nursing and finally into birth photography during what I believe is life’s most intimate and life-changing time. I’ve worked with families bringing new life into this world for over 21 years now in one capacity or another. There are still so many times that I find myself in tears and so grateful that this is what I get to do. Its blessings are never lost on me.

What is better than all of that? When families come back to me year after year and baby after baby, and I see them grow as a family, that is seriously the best and reminds me that my years of hard work and dedication have paid off!

It is always a privilege to document birth stories and be trusted in my client’s birth space with once-in-a-lifetime moments, moments that cannot be redone. That privilege is a heavy weight to bear, one that I don’t take lightly. But, to be trusted with a family’s birth story more than once is heaven!

beautiful Las Vegas homebirth
mother breathing through contractions on birthing ball
Las Vegas midwife checking her patient's blood pressure
checking pulse oximetry while in labor at home

They had delivered their first two in the hospital. Although their hospital experiences were good, they wanted to be home surrounded by family with their daughter nearby, which wasn’t possible during the pandemic restrictions within hospitals. She sought dual-track care and committed to delivering at home only if things were going well, and she was a good candidate for a homebirth. After interviewing multiple midwives, they connected with Marvelys Lopez and Kim Trower of Sweet Beginnings Midwifery here in Las Vegas.

In early January, mom went into labor alone in the middle of the night. I got the call that the contractions that had been coming off and on for weeks without any regularity had finally changed and had become regular in pattern and were increasingly uncomfortable. So I gathered my things and quickly headed out the door.

labor positions with support from husband and midwife
woman breathing through her contractions while on birthing ball
Marvelys Lopez massaging her patient's back during labor
husband supporting his wife while she labors on birth ball
Kim Trower of Sweet Beginnings in Las Vegas
positions to rotate baby in labor
midwife braiding her patient's hair

This is the second birth I’ve attended with this birth team, and this special touch of braiding her patient’s hair while laboring touched my heart both times. It was a beautiful mix of physical touch and thoughtfulness that helped both moms feel more confident and ready to meet their babies.

entering the transition phase of labor
Las Vegas home birth story
the rough period between transition and birth
lower back massage during labor

Although this was their third baby, this one was not their fastest labor; getting this sweet baby to rotate required a lot of position changes and movement, and both mom and her midwives were so patient and dedicated.

midwives holding space for their patient
home birth supplies
born at home a Las Vegas birth story

When the baby finally decided to come, she came fast! This mama barely made it out of the bathroom and almost to the bed, and she was here!

alert newborn baby
Best Las Vegas homebirth photographer
mother holding her baby while her fundus is massaged

The timing could not have been more perfect because by now, it was morning, and big sister was waking up. She was a bit unsure at first about this new baby in their home but quickly warmed up, and we captured the most adorable moments, be sure to watch their video!

big sister meeting her new baby after home birth
shy big sister after being introduced to their new baby
big sister deciding if she likes her new baby
big sister taking in all of her new baby's details.
dad and daughter helping with newborn exam
sweet sibling moments
home birth weighing of baby
newborn exam after Las Vegas homebirth
home birth newborn exam
home birth newborn exam measurements
sweet newborn yawn

And finally, their beautiful birth story is told so well in film.


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