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home birth with Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas

The Birth of John Tito

A Henderson, NV Birth Story

I am so excited to finally share this beautiful birth story of John Tito, born at home. I adore this family. I met them in 2018 when I documented their first delivery at home. I was in awe of the love they had for each other and the strength of this incredibly powerful mama.

Jennifer delivered her first at home, in the water, and stayed strong through a long labor, delivering their baby girl into her husband’s arms. It was beautiful to witness. Both mom and dad are first responders in our community, with mom being a paramedic and Greg being a firefighter for the city of Henderson.

I was so excited when Jennifer contacted me to document this birth story! There is nothing better than documenting a family as they grow. I was so excited that big sister would be there and that she intended to deliver in the water again.

As with my birth clients, I checked in frequently with Jennifer to see how she was feeling and how things were going as her due date approached. She had gone a week over with her first but felt like she was going to deliver sooner with this one. She is an incredibly busy woman and was in her last semester earning an advanced degree while working, and taking care of a toddler, so as that due date approached, she was so tired and ready to hold her baby in her arms.

I am an early riser and don’t sleep well while on call for births. I woke up at 3 am one morning and checked my phone, as usual, to make sure I hadn’t missed anything just as she texted me to let me know she was having pretty strong contractions, but they weren’t staying too regular quite yet, and that she would keep me posted. Although I have my gear ready at all times while on call, I made sure it was at the door, and I was showered, just in case, because they live about 40 minutes from me.

She updated me again at midday to let me know she had gone to the midwife to be checked and was dilated, and her contractions were still strong but not regular yet. So, I continued to wait! Late afternoon I got the call that it was time. Dads often call me by this point when moms are in active labor, and Greg did call me to let me know they had called the midwife to come, so I headed out there. He felt like she was going fast at this point, so I didn’t waste any time heading out there.


Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable when I arrived and was just ready to move into the tub.

mom being comforted by children while laboring at home
mom being comforted by midwife and husband while laboring
mom laboring in tub with family supporting her
the strength of a woman laboring
the inner strength it takes to deliver at home

Little Angelina was so cute and well-behaved as Jennifer labored in the water surrounded by her midwives and husband, coming over every so often to give her mama a kiss or drink of water.

small daughter present at home birth in Las Vegas comforts her mother
therapeutic touch in labor
laboring on hands and knees in birth tub during a Las Vegas home birth
the caring touch of a midwife in Las Vegas
Sarah Slobody comforting her patient during a home birth in Las Vegas
using cool washcloths for comfort during a Las Vegas home birth

Jennifer’s labor was similar to her last at almost the same time of day, right down to the hour. Both times she trusted her body and, between gentle touch and reassurances from her midwives and husband, labored with such strength.

the importance of support in a home birth Las Vegas
pressure applied to lower back of laboring mother by midwife during a home birth delivery in Las Vegas
beautiful images of Las Vegas home birth by Little Loo Photography
the urge to push in a water birth in an in home delivery

Finally, Jennifer felt the urge to push and work and once again delivered their baby boy into her husband’s arms. It was just beautiful.

the birth of John Tito
holding baby in your arms after a water birth at home
beautiful perspective of a mother holding her baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
family surrounding a mother after her home birth in Las Vegas
home birth with Serenity Birth Center in Las Vegas
father cutting the cord after a home birth of John Tito in Las Vegas
newborn exam by Serenity Birth Center midwife
newborn exam by midwife after Las Vegas homebirth
weighing the baby after a home birth in Las Vegas
newborn exam at home after home birth

I am continually in awe that I witness such strength and beauty in women. I have been a part of the birth industry for almost 20 years now, and the beauty of birth has never faded.


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